Once you have made the reservation, payment will be made directly at the hotel for the price confirmed.
No. Payments will be made on-line directly to our web site.
All Sol Meliá hotels have a public area where clients can access Internet for an extra charge. In the rest of the hotel chains, there is also a public space, either in or near the premises, where customers can access Internet.
This type of request is confirmed according the availability of the hotel upon your arrival and must therefore be informed when making your reservation.
Every time we travel we expose ourselves to unforeseen events that can alter our trip. A medical emergency abroad, the cancellation of our flight or the loss of our luggage, are some of the situations, that unfortunately are not infrequent, and can be a cause of distress. Travel Insurance is the ideal solution that guarantees the necessary protection you might need to solve these situations.
Thinking on you, Seguros Internacionales de Cuba, S.A. (ESICUBA) puts at your service a team of professionals who will accompany and protect you at all times during your trip.
Yes. As from May 1st, 2010, Cuban authorities require the possession of travel insurance with coverage of medical expenses to enter the country. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, a mandatory COVID 19 coverage was added.
ESICUBA offers the opportunity to purchase an insurance that fulfill the previous requirements.
Our commitment from ESICUBA is to offer maximum tranquility to our clients.
For this reason, our travel insurance offers coverage of medical assistance for contagion or symptoms of the disease. In addition, it covers the expenses of extension of the stay, due to medical quarantine prescribed by the doctors. Repatriation or early return for this cause, is also covered.
The expenses of carrying out PCR test or preventive controls established by health authorities in the medical protocol of entry into the national territory, is not included in this insurance.
ASISTUR is responsible at name of ESICUBA for executing the assistance services required by the Traveler during stay in the national territory.
Alarm Center
24-hour assistance service 365 days a year
Address: 208 Paseo del Prado Street, Old Havana, Havana.
Phones: (+53)7866 4121, (+53)7 866 8920, (+53)7 866 8339, (+53)7 866 8527 and (+53)7 867 1315
E-mail: asisten@asistur.cu
You must contact the Alarm Center (ASISTUR) by phone or email stating:
• Traveler's Full name
• Address and phone number where is located
• Description of Required Service
• Details of contracted insurance
• Record of Contracted Insurance
• Passport or Identity Card
In case of arrival at the Health Institution without previous notice to the Alarm Center, the Traveler must nearly contact it and provide it details about the event suffered and the received assistance from the institution. This action can also be done by a companion.
• Clínica Cira García Reyes
• Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular
• Centro Internacional de Retinosis Pigmentaria
• Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Hermanos Ameijeiras
• Instituto de Oncología y radiología. INOR
• Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía
• Hospital Pediátrico William Soler
• Cardiocentro Pediátrico William Soler
• Hospital de Rehabilitación Julito Díaz
• Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología
• Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso
• Centro Internacional de Salud Las Pedreras
• Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica CIREN
• Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer
• Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri
• Instituto de Endocrinología
• Centro de Investigaciones de la tercera Edad (CITED)
You should notice at least with 72 hours before at the start date of the travel insurance.
Usted debe reservar con tiempo suficiente. A través de nuestro sitio web tendrá acceso a las dos rentadoras de mayor reputación en el país: CUBACAR y REX, donde puede reservar, pagar y recibir un correo de confirmación al instante.
En Cuba se aceptan los permisos emitidos por cada país.
En las capitales provinciales y municipales es fácil reabastecerse de combustible. Hay que tener en cuenta que en las autopistas las estaciones de servicio se encuentran localizadas a 90 km de distancia unas de otras como promedio. El costo de la gasolina es de 95 centavos CUC y el diesel se cotiza a 75 centavos CUC por litro.
El estado general de las principales avenidas en las ciudades más importantes del país es bueno. La autopista nacional, que cubre desde el occidente hasta el centro del territorio merece especial atención: No existe ninguna iluminación nocturna además de ser frecuentada por ciclos, tractores, vehículos de tracción animal y hasta ganado, por lo que requiere de especial precaución por los conductores.
En Cuba se penaliza severamente la conducción en estado de embriaguez, el exceso de velocidad y el no prestar la debida atención al vehículo. En caso de infracción, la multa será reflejada en el contrato del auto y deberá abonarse al finalizar la renta en la oficina donde se efectúe la misma.
Existen de ambos tipos aunque prevalecen los de cambios mecánicos. Si su intención es rentar uno automático, es recomendable hacer la renta con tiempo suficiente.
Por regla general existen parqueos oficiales en los lugares más frecuentados de las ciudades. No obstante, evite dejar en el auto cualquier objeto o prenda de valor y asegúrese que el vehículo quede bien cerrado.
Es recomendable, si va a viajar por el interior del país, comprar un mapa de carreteras debido al estado deficiente de señalización de las mismas.
In order to access other services once in the country, please e-mail us or write your request in the “Comments” section on the reverse of your reservation form.
Services include meals, beverages, non-motorized nautical sports and recreation activities in the hotel.
Accommodation rates based on this system include hotel services and taxes however; we do not organize international flights.
ATR 42 500 planes manufactured in France.
The tour leader must foresee and pay an amount of 25.00 CUC per person at the departure of the group, preferably in cash. Payments can be made in one lump sum. Sol Caribe Tours will provide assistance during luggage check in and departure of the flight at no additional coast.
According to existing regulations, some articles cannot be imported into the country. The following equipment can be rented in Cuba: trunkings, radios, audiovisual equipment and professional cameras. In the case of souvenirs and other articles, a list of all the articles shall be faxed to Sol Caribe Tours at least two months in advance. Temporary import of food is prohibited.
The group shall observe the payment policy originally agreed by the parties. The person in charge of the group shall pay for all extra expenses incurred by the group, while in the country. Sol Caribe Tours can change or include services according to the interests of the client, after prior notification with sufficient time in advance. Cancellations of services shall not be accepted once in the country.
Yes. Proposals can be submitted for assessment before the arrival of the group.
Inspection groups will have the same program as the rest of the group. Prices vary according to the season. A 100% discount will be made if the group has more than 30 persons, 30% in the event of 15 to 20 persons and 0% if the number of persons in the group is fewer than 30. Inspection groups of 2 to 3 persons are admitted and only one per group. In the case of more than one inspection groups, only the first one will receive a discount after reception of the group.
Sol Meliá Cuba hotels will appoint a coordinator to work in close coordination with Sol Caribe Tours. At least one person shall be appointed per each group, who will be offer his/her assistance either at the hospitality desk or directly to the clients during their stay in Cuba.
Discounts on the registration fee depend on the type of event. The price of a tourist package is always the same as the delegate’s accreditation fee. However, persons travelling with a delegate will receive special discounts for activities in the program prepared for companions and for excursions after contacting Sol Caribe Tours.
In order to change or cancel a reservation, the client must access the to details about the reservation.
It is possible to travel directly from certain cities in the United States or via a cruiser from Cancun. Travellers must bear a valid Unites States passport and a Cuban tourist card.
No. Travellers must make all the necessary arrangements at the Cuban Consulate in their country of origin. They can also buy a Tourist Card directly in the airport before departure.
No, once payment of the reservation is made on-line,
a confirmation page will appear on your screen indicating that your reservation has been updated in our system and immediately a message will appear confirming your reservation data. Both the page and confirmation message will have a reference number. This number must be used for consultations or other arrangements.
Travelers to Cuba are required a visa or Tourist Card which can be purchased in a travel agency in your country.
The hurricane season begins in June and ends in November.
The client must call our on-line assistance service at: (537)-2043449.
3 hours before flight departure time if your flight is leaving from the same city than the one where you will be picked up. In the rest of the cases, our representative will contact you the day before the departure
The information we require will be supplied voluntarily and will help us to identify you: name, telephone number, e-mail address. Customers are required to fill out a profile form before registering in our electronic bulletin. We guarantee that the information requested will only be used to provide the product or service you requested. This information is compiled at the moment of:
This information is used to respond and process requests for certain products and services which will be offered during the trip planned in conjunction with Solwayscuba.com. This information can be used to:
The client’s information is shared only with authorized service suppliers for the purpose of providing the services and functions stipulated in the contract.
It is used as a guarantee for payment of the first night in case the client does not go to the hotel.
We Only accept Visa and Master Card credits cards.
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