The hotel or destination is required

Select Hotel

Date is required
Date is required
Room 1
2 Adults (12+)
0 Children (2-11.99)
0 Infants (0-1.99)
Origen is required

Select your destination

Select Airport

Destination is required

Select your destination

Select Airport

Date is required
Date is required
2 Adults (12+)
0 Children (2-11.99)
0 Infants (0-1.99)
Origen is required
Destination is required
Date is required
Pax number is required
Destination is required
Date is required
2 Adults (12+)
0 Children (2-11.99)
0 Infants (0-1.99)
Destination is required
Destination is required
Date is required
Room 1
2 Adults (12+)
0 Children (2-11.99)
0 Infants (0-1.99)
Pick up is required

Select your destination

Drop off is required

Select your destination

Date is required
Date is required
You must rent a car for at least 3 days
Date is required
Date is required
Pax number is required

Journey to the heart of Cuba

We are heading to the heart of Cuba, molded by the flavor, color and texture of sugar. Discover with our packages how this product has configured the lands, architecture, customs and traditions, history and culture of this country that became the world's leading producer and exporter of sugar.


Book by 14 sep 2024. Stays Between 21 jun 2024 y 15 sep 2024.

Azúcar Esencial

Azúcar Esencial

2 nights
Destinations: Trinidad (2 Nights)
US$ 511

per pax
Tax included
Camino del Azúcar

Camino del Azúcar

4 nights
Destinations: Havana (2 Nights) , Trinidad (2 Nights)
US$ 710

per pax
Tax included

On Summer Time The Color of Cuba…suits you well

See more »